Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sale Steals :)

Here are some lovely mid season sales I thought you might like from Kukee of course ;p Miss Selfridge and Asos. All at rock bottom prices, enjoy sweeties :)

These are my favourite picks. I just love the sweet candy bows studs so yummy and sideways cross I can't seem to ever take off :) All from just £1.00!

1. Bow Earrings £1.00 2. Sideways Cross Necklace £1.50 3. Arty Ring £2.50 4. Double Bow Ring £1.00

Gorgeous geometric golds from Miss Selfridge, I'm in love :) All so affordable from just £2.00!

Lastly shocking pink Asos, they're having a fantastic sale, like the good old days! I wan't everything from their sale. The pretties below cost from £1.50!

What do you think of the sales lately, any good steals? :) xxxxxx

Monday, 30 April 2012

Just in :)

Just a quick post about a few of the cute goodies that just landed at :)

90s retro badges - 50p each
Pretty pastel necklaces - £2.50 each
Kitty ears ring - £2.00 each
Moustache ring - £1.50
Love necklace - £2.00 each

What do you think of 'em? There's more to come too, keep your eyes peeled :) xxxxxx

Friday, 27 April 2012


What I made today - Nauticalia

Here are some of the themed buttons that I mentioned before, I finally had time to make them into wearable wonders :)

£1.50 per pair.

I really love the details on these cute little sail boats, the colours work perfect with this theme.

£1.50 per pair.

My favourites have to be these large sailing boat earrings.

From £1 per pair.

 I hope you like 'em. I'd love to hear your thoughts :) xxxxxx

Monday, 23 April 2012

Vintage Pretties :)

I love anything and everything vintage <3 so when it came to stocking it, oversized 80s earrings and beaded necklaces were a no brainer ;) These pretty bits have had quite a journey as everything has been sourced from America.

Gold plated - I just love these, very 80s/90s! These statement making beauties below vary from 2cm to 3cm.

From £2.00

 Nautical - These blue coloured darlings vary from pastel blue, sea-green to navy. I believe they're are from the 70s/80s. My favourites are the lovely marble effect studs.

From £1.50

Plastic Fantastic - Lastly these plastic beaded necklaces come in various lengths and some with gradual effects.

From £2.00

They will be on the website soon! What do you think of them? :) xxxxxxxx

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Inspire #2

I hope everyone has had a lovely week, full of :)

Do it, go outside! :)

hehe :)

Great philosophy :)

Beautiful <3

Love this :)

Do it!! :)

I hope you liked them :) xxxxxxxx

p.s. Plus don't forget to enter my giveaway 2 lovely rings need to be won ;) details here it ends on the 25th April, good luck everyone :)

Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday Finds :)

Friday Finds will be a weekly post about quirky websites or buy-able finds that I love or that simply made me smile :)

I just love this site, they have so many designs and you can choose whichever colour you wish your tee to be :)

Lazy Oaf  is a great site for quirky clothes, accessories and stationary. The bits below are on my wishlist :)

1. 642 Things To Write About - to get your juices flowing £11.99 
2. Independent London Store Guide - reviews of 249 stores £11.99 
3. Film Listography - the ultimate fill-in journal for movie lovers £11.99 
4. Limited Edditions Iron Ons by Mike Perry - 20 awesome irons ons £10.99 

I absolutely love this Aubin & Wills fox woll jumper from was £125 now on sale for £37.50 bargain!

I hope you liked my Friday finds, do you have any? :) xxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Instagrams :)


Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

1. My blogging book/schedule, post it, stickers and company magazine of-course :)
2. The newest addition to, a lovely birdy and flower double ring only £1.50 for a limited time.
3. A few of my current rings, is the sideways double cross (on sale £2.50), vintage rose, rhinestone skull (both coming soon) and dangly skull - £2.00 :)
4. Vintage peach flower ring £1.50 and rosary ring (coming soon).
5. Snape marshlands (I went there for Easter, there's loads of cute places including a tea house and a vintage shop :) 
6. More of the pretty marshland.

I hope you like 'em lovelies, my username is @lovekukee if you fancy a peek. Let me know yours, I'm a curious bean ;)

P.s Happy birthday daddy! :) xxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 14 April 2012


The new website is live at, check it out and use code; NEWSHOP10 at the checkout for 10% off you order! Don't forget to enter our 'new website' paparazzi camera and kissable lips ring giveaway here which ends 25th April at midnight :)

'What I Made Today' is going to be my weekly, newly made, lovely items post!

I've had a huge order of themed buttons from America arrive and made some cute star earrings below and have a lot more to make so keep your eyes peeled for future posts :)

Nautical Star Earrings - £1.50

I had a few random charms lying around so I made these cute dangly rings. They are a must have and the best bit, they're only £2 each! I will definitely make a collection of these rings with more designs :)

Dangly Charm Rings - £2 each

Dangly Peace Out Ring - £2
 My top pick has to be this make a wish skull necklace. Its all dainty and cute on a short chain but in need of a good home, help him out :)

Make a Wish Skull Necklace - £2

What do you think of the new kukee website? xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

New Website + Giveaway! Closed

I've been busy creating a new pretty website which will be launched in the next day or so, exciting times! Still but with a fresh new look and that's not the only thing I've changed! Everything will be £1 - £3.50 plus shipping! Please let me know your thoughts on it, thanks :)

To celebrate, I have a put together a giveaway that two can enjoy. The giveaway consists of a gorgeous rhinestone pink lips ring or a paparazzi camera ring both adjustable and awesome. The winners can pick whichever they prefer :)

To Enter:

-You MUST be a public follower of this blog and comment saying you want to be entered with your email address so I can contact you if you win.
-Like Kukee on facebook here.
-Follow us on Twitter @ilovekukee

1+ Tweet this giveaway, link this giveaway mention @ilovekukee so I can see it.
1+ Put this giveaway in you sidebar.
1+ Post about this giveaway.

Please leave a SEPERATE comment for each of the 'extras' thanks! This will end at midnight on the 25th April! Good luck :)

Wishing everyone a happy weekend :) xxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 9 April 2012

Nautical Jewellery Trend


I worked in a marina back in the school years for a long while as a harbour master assistant. Telling yacht folk where to berth their boats over the radio and failing at tying them up ;) it was a lot of fun! Crisp fresh air, dancing waves, freedom and adventure encapsulates this theme for me and I love it!

I was all over this trend when it was big a few years ago and I'm so glad its come back in jewellery form.

The cute themed dainty pieces below are handmade by myself :)

My top picks featuring this theme are these gorgeous knot earrings and the very pretty pearly swallow bracelet. 

Mesh knot earrings - £2.50

Swallow pearl bracelet - ON SALE £2.70

What do you think of this trend, will you be wearing it this summer? 

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter holiday full of :) and loads of chocolate eggs! xxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 6 April 2012

Inspire :)

I know I've been mia for a while but now I'm back and got lots of things to share with you :) I went on holiday last month to Lanzarote which was wonderful. I climbed a mountain got eaten alive by mosquito and sorta learned to swim.

I also got some new bits to make more jewellery which I will get started on next week and will be under WIMT (what I made today) which will be a weekly occurrence, if the creative juice allow.

Now for the Inspire post full of beauty and art. I'm thinking of making this a regular post too, I'm just a sucker for interesting pretty things :)

Gorgeous <3

You make me happy... :)


In the beginning...

End the :)

I hope you like 'em :) xxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Vintage Silver Creations :)

I've made some more goodies using antique silver tone charms :) which shall go on the website soon!

But before that, a holiday calls (very early this Sat)! I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't been on holiday in ages and deffo in need of a nice break to Lanzarote. It will be mine and my boyfriend James 1 year anniversary on Sunday so it shall be lovely to be away for it!

Anyway back to the jewellery, which will all be on the website soon! I hope you like 'em dearies :)

Here are some of my faves;

1. Sideways Cross £2.00  2. Birds on a branch £2.50  3. Drop Anchor £2.00

And how about these lovely skeleton key earrings are only £1.50 per pair or £2.00 for them both, bargain!

What do you think of these? Do you have a fave?

:) xxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 17 February 2012

More in the frugal range :)

Got a few bits listed on the website with more to come ;) I don't seem to have enough hours in the day! If there is anything you would like to see on there let me know, I love a challenge :)

I hope you like 'em :)
Anyways... how was your Valentines day? (: <3 xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Garden of Eden Serpent Trend

This gorgeous trend has been popular in Holywood for a while now, as many celebrities have seen rocking the serpent look with gorgeous jewels.


This trend has slithered its way to Kukee a short while ago and here they are to temp you. I love how statement making this trend is and regularly wear number five ;)

1. Red Rhinestone Ring £3.50 Now £2.50 2. Coiled Rhinestone Necklace £3.00  3. Finger Tip Nail Ring £1.50  4. Wrap Rhinestone Ring £3.50  5. Red Rhinestone Statement Necklace £3.50  6. Green Cobra Necklace £3.50  7. Detailed Snake Ring £3.00

Plus don't forget to use our Valentine code at the checkout for 15% off your order :)

What do you think of this trend? :) xxxxxxxxxx